Restricted Mind
It’s like speaking too many languages at once
I want to, no wait a minute, stop!
The view was stunning, I wanted to write about it
Describe it in detail
But alas, no time, the memory fades and gets crowded over with other thoughts
It was a beautiful lush green, with the smell of rain kissed leaves
Reminded me of a long forgotten perfume
What was the name, I forget
Thoughts crowd my mind, each one fighting to overpower the other
Sigh, it’s forgotten now
Something about a long ago scene that triggered a memory
Something from my childhood? It’s gone now
Slipped away, crowded over and restricted by other thoughts
Thoughts I would rather not be thinking
Wish I was free, free to enjoy the thoughts that brought me joy
Free to forget and bury the thoughts that brought me down
But my mind is restricted, now
Someday it will be free