I stepped out
I stepped out
Of my head, my home, my heart
To a new world out there
My mind was at ease, for once, after a long time
I knew, had known, all along what I needed to do
What needed to be done
Letting go is never easy
Almost impossible
But I have known death and in death I have found life
So what of letting life go? Will I surely not gain some more?
My life – what life?
Comfortable, what is known, what is expected, what is shown
But not what I have sown
For me, what defines, what decides, was never me
Always others, chance, opportunity
Things that came my way but not what I ever wanted per say
Yes I have achieved, that which is expected
That which is perceived
But no, not for me, not for ever, I am much more
This I have known, I have felt and it has grown
So now it’s time, it’s that pinnacle of knowing when to hold on
And when to gracefully let go
No never easy, the path ahead is scary
But at least I have grabbed those reigns, gathered my wits
I am now in sync with my soul
The melody is mine, the harmony will be sublime
To the sunset of my existential adulthood I bid adieu
To the rising Altitudes of enlightenment & growth I turn to afresh, anew.