Beauty & the Beast
Society loved her beauty
For it was not what they thought, but were taught to believe
Understand what beauty entailed
For it focused on her body, like a cheap commodity
Drooling, ogling, gagging, salivating
So her insecure heart, lapped it up
Smothered by feigned humility, secret triumph and victory
And it became her art
The reluctant beauty
The humble narcissist
The saintly tart
Ah it was all well and good
For her face was her food
Misled by all who wanted a part of the rise but not the fall
For a pretty face sells, but for those seeking substance, it smells
Of makeup, plastic, superficial not artistic
Her intelligent mind, her compassionate heart
Knew no value, had no part
And so those faded into obsolete subservience
Cowering under the ego buoyed by baseless compliments
The young bucks on a cougar ride
The old bats on a Viagra high
The men for whom a fuck is a score
Who would take a woman and call her a whore
Infidels, fools, ghouls galore
Oh she believed they all cared and wanted her and her alone
Little knowing she was the pawn in the game
The hunted victim, the bearer of shame
Yet that buoyed ego knew no respite
It forgot shame, integrity, self-respect and in spite
Of countless warnings, omens, symbols and signs
On this headless hunt of folly, she continues to ride
Oh what fools do make such creatures, what a fool is she to not heed?
The age old warnings, beauty is skin deep
For with the beauty there comes a price
With the beauty, there lies the beast