Thigh Gap Vogue
Vogue announced the latest trend
Caused many a woman to seek to mend
Those curvy hips, those narrow lips
The implantation of silicone tits
When Cosmopolitan cries “thighs!”
Every thunder-bred woman dies
As plastic surgeons, cosmetologists
Brandish their knives, syringes to slice away the excess flesh
So that the patriarchy can fit into that gap
A triangular focus, a narrowing view
No longer beautiful but “fixed up” for you
Because beauty is determined by editorial boards
Those who pick a fancy every few years or more
Oh Twiggy, Oh Marilyn, Oh Naomi, Oh Moss
Oh who the fuck gives a toss
Sadly many do, many will and continue to
As long as we let Hollywood & Co
Determine the beauty of a woman when she is so much more