Ode to a guitar
She is
The smooth neck
you will caress
and press against
with your thumb
As you feel your fingers
sense the tension on
each of her strings
You will tune each to match
your tone and mood
Your feel and groove
And she will respond
As taut as you want her to be
You will strum on her
and test her tension
She will arch her back and wail
with complete comprehension
And you know she is ready then to heed you,
the Lord of her strings
The molder of her body,
the conductor of her soul
And then you give it your all
You will pick on her base as you press down on her nape
And with each chord, each stroke she will resound
Send shivers up your back as her spine reverberates
And each pick, each press will be a battle fought between you two
You her master, she the reluctant but willing yielder
And oh you will both ride on the storm of scales and harmonies
As you rein her in, she will buck beneath you in protest
But you know and so does she, this battle, this fight, this discordant melody
Is a trial on both, a trail of bliss, a story untold which started with a kiss
And you her master will ride her whole
She your renegade, your being, your all
As your fingers knead, her soul will bleed, the faster your rhythm, the greater her speed
As your fingertips trail their rock hard kisses, as your pick plucks out those feather light riffs
As you press down your desire on her hardened core
Your soul urging for release on that distant shore
As you ride and rise, recede and subside,
Your tune will soon ascend and descend
Your sustained touch will choke out her consent
Together you will rise and her wail you will stall,
Clamping down on her strings heralding your fall
And there she will peak and climax with thee
Riding this sustained wave of ecstasy
Knowing your pleasure is
her melancholic symphony